The Pleiades and Pachamama: Co-Creating the Rainbow Bridge to New Earth

7-Month Journey

Join me in a seven-month journey that weaves the powerful mysteries of the Pleiades constellation with the embodied love and natural law of Pachamama, our Earth Mother, and how both, when held together, can bring the deep healing, humility and wisdom that we need during these times of global transformation.

The Pleiades, as the markers of the feminine celebrations of Samhain and Beltane, honored the natural cycles of death and rebirth throughout the year. The course will begin in November, when ancient cultures honored the rising of the Pleiades in the midnight sky, opposite the Sun, as a time to honor the magic healing powers of the darkness.

As we move through the calendar year, the course will culminate in the celebration of Beltane, in May, a threshold into the divine masculine. We will share our visions and stories of New Earth and begin to see the manifestation of the seeds we have planted over the past 7 months.

On this Journey, we will Learn to:

Embrace the Dark Feminine: 
Discover how embracing the dark feminine supports us in facing our shadow, understanding ego, and fostering wholeness, courage, and wisdom for a New Earth.

Receive Lessons from Pachamama: 
Explore the wisdom of Pachamama and her systems, offering guidance as we awaken and collaboratively build a New Earth rooted in humility, relationship, and understanding.

Embody the Mystical and Mundane: 
Learn to embody both the mystical and mundane aspects of life as we heal, self-actualize, and pursue pragmatic justice and love within ourselves, our communities, and the natural world.

Explore Archetypes, Astrology, Shamanic Journeying, and Earthly Teachings: 
Delve into shared archetypal understandings, receive personal astrological readings, embark on shamanic journeys, and ground yourself in teachings about life's principles and our planet's wisdom.

“Come dance with me child”

- Pachamama

Course Format

Monthly Live Lecture and Discussion: The class format is didactic lecture and group discussion. Materials will be presented in two separate sections: a Mythic Teaching followed by an Earth Teaching. Classes will run 7 – 9 AM PST, November 2024 – May 2025.

Chart Interpretation Sessions: Five astrological chart interpretations will be offered throughout the course. Interpretations will be organized around course material presented the week prior. Individual charts will be in a group setting and discussion. Chart Interpretations will consist of two groups running 7 to 9 AM and 9:30 to 11:30 AM.

Suggested Reading: Mysteries of the Dark Moon: The Healing Power of the Dark Goddess, Demetra George; Finding our Center, Heather Ensworth, PhD.; The Forbidden Female Speaks, Pamela Kribbe, Earth Speaks; Pamela Kribbe; Love Letter to the Earth, Thich Nhat Hanh.

Guest Speakers: Heather Ensworth, PhD. will be joining one of the mythic teachings as a guest speaker; and Elloquay E Kyni, shamanic practitioner and healer, will be leading our shamanic journey in the spring.

Note: Schedule below best viewed via a wide angle on computer screen.

November 15

November 22

December 6

December 13

January 17

January 24

February 14

February 21

March 14

March 21

April 18

May 16

Mythic Teaching

The Moon Cycle: Pleiades Mythology and the Seven Sisters

Chart Interpretations

The Dark Feminine: The Cailleach, Black Moon Lilith, Ereshkigal, Hekate, Kali

Chart Interpretations

The Galactic Center, The Tree of Life, The Shekinah

Chart Interpretations

The Mother Wound: Demeter and Persephone

Chart Interpretations

The Venus Cycle and In’anna Myth

Chart Interpretations

The Great Mother: Pachamama, Hathor and Sophia

Beltane: Creating New Earth and Sharing our Stories

Earth Teaching

Nature’s Cycle of Disruption and Innovation

The Superorganism and the Meta-Crisis

Understanding Earth’s Abundance and Life’s Principles: Part I

Understanding Earth’s Abundance and Life’s Principles: Part II

Water and Our Oceans

Shamanic Journey to New Earth

Closing: What is Regenerative Urbanism?

Juliet's journey spans over 30 years in urban design, master planning, and sustainable community development across Washington State. For the past five years, Juliet has deepened her understanding as a student of astrology and shamanic traditions, enriching her role as a guide and mentor.

Passionate about integrating urban systems with the wisdom of nature, Juliet explores how communities can thrive within the boundaries of our planet. Her work centers on developing regenerative urban landscapes and nature-based infrastructure that honor and support all forms of life. 

She has also actively supported classes led by renowned astrologer Heather Ensworth, PhD., for the past three years through chart interpretations for over 60 students.

Juliet's journey draws strength from her connection to her Quechuan/Colombian roots, infusing her teachings with indigenous wisdom and a holistic approach to community development. Her vision extends beyond sustainable infrastructure, envisioning cities that harmonize with the Earth's natural rhythms and planetary boundaries. Join Juliet on this journey of discovery, where she illuminates pathways to personal growth, community connection, and ecological stewardship.

Juliet holds a professional degree in Architecture and certificates in urban design, Transition Towns and Biomimicry for Social Innovation.

Fees and Registration

Group Size: 30 maximum (15 minimum)

Course Fee:  $1800 in full or 3 payments at $600 each

Early Bird Discount:  $1600 if paid by September 15, 2024. Use Code: EBD

During the first class on November 15th, Chart Interpretation times will be discussed.

Payment Terms and Cancellation Policy

  • $150 of your registration is a non-refundable deposit to reserve your spot in the class.

  • If paying in three installments, the 1st installment reserves your space in the class; the 2nd and 3rd installments will be billed to the card on file on December 15 and February 15, respectively.

  • Refunds (less the deposit) will be offered for cancellations prior to 30 days from the training, less the deposit. For cancellations within 30 days of the training, no refunds will be available. For any illness-related event that prohibits you from attending, including Covid, your registration may be transferred to the next training that has space available.

  • The Venus Hive has the right to cancel the training due to low registration with minimum 30 days notice and all payments will be refunded.

  • In registering for this class, you agree to the class Terms & Conditions.