The Mithras Journey

The Cow and the Bull. In antiquity, the symbolism of these two animals was fundamental: one gave milk for basic products, the other opened the grooves of the earth for sowing. Both marked the start of life, the opening of something new. Therefore, the first letter of the alphabet was Alef, graphed with the head of a bull or cow, which over time was modified to be positioned upside down and ended up with the shape of A (turn it around and you will see the two horns and the triangular face of the bovine).

-        Matias De Stefano on the April 8 Total Solar Eclipse

There is a lot to say about the April 8 total solar eclipse. During the eclipse, our sun, divine spirit becomes eclipsed by our moon, deep soul. During an eclipse, the Sun and Moon appear to be the same size ( it is miraculous that the ratio between them is exact to allow for this). The sky is showing us that both energies are equally important in our lives, we are being asked to hold them in balance.

A solar eclipse is also a new moon, which is a conjunction of the sun the moon, and it is exact on April 8 at 19 degrees, 24 minutes of Aries. At that same time, also conjunct at 19 degrees, 24 minutes is the asteroid, Chiron, the wounded healer.

According to astrologer, Molly McCord, Chiron creates an important healing threshold for us all. “The Chiron energy requires a softening, a softening of yourself, a softening of the ego. Aries is the warrior, we are putting down the sword, putting down the armor, putting down the shield, dropping it, and allowing that to show you something in yourself that is really important to love, accept and integrate,” says McCord.

Aries is the divine masculine, it is ruled by Mars, it is the warrior, it is the Alpha, Alef or Aleph, the exultant Orion and Osiris, and the ancient Iranian god, Mithra. Mithra was the Iranian sun god, the god of oaths and mutual obligation. The Mithraic ceremony was the sacrifice of the bull. In ancient Indian text, Mitra/Mithra, sacrifices a white bull, name Soma, who then transforms into the moon. With the bull’s death, the world, time and matter, is created and all of its polarizations.

With this total Solar eclipse, we are being supported in transforming and healing our own unique Mitras, our warrior. Instead of slaying the bull, we are being asked to soften, to hold the bull within, to transmute how we are in relationship with our ego, to hold our deep feminine nature, to be in ayni (true reciprocity).

Chiron is the rainbow bridge supporting us in uniting our deep soul self with our wounded masculine.  Supporting us in being seen and heard for the uniqueness and complexity of all that we are. We no longer need to shed the blood of the bull to be redeemed but to look within and heal our wounded Aries, the I AM.

Externally this eclipse supports us all to move from a culture of power over to power with, from domination to true relationship, and it starts with our internal relationship between our soul self and our ego self.

Embodiment Recipe

-        Many spiritual leaders are recommending that we fast the day of the eclipse. If this can work for your personal health condition, it can help the ego to move away from its material focus.

-        I will be fasting for part of day, drinking bone broth, due to my under-active thyroid and related blood sugar issues.

-        I have been and will be listening to this incredibly beautiful Hathor Planetary Meditation from Tom Kenyon. Hathor is the ancient Egyptian goddess often depicted with cow horns holding the sun.

-        The day of the eclipse, I will be building a Despacho, a ceremonial offering to Pachamama, in the Peruvian Andean tradition, and burning it later that evening in fire.

-        I am also working with re-programming my mental thoughts and shifting them toward a state of healing. The key here, is to find what your brain, your left hemisphere, loops on. I loop constantly, on feeling responsible for everyone and everything. I am working on shifting this toward a more healed state, where everyone is already healed, everyone is in balance and everyone is thriving. It is joyful. There is nothing for me to do, except to enjoy this state and share my joy.



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