Welcome to the Hive

The trouble in the world is not there to defeat us, but to awaken us to the unlived lives within us, and the callings that our soul would have us follow. They open a path to a greater presence, a greater connection to our soul’s essence, of nature, and the divine source of life.


-        Michael Meade, Living Myth, The Return of Eros #375 


If Eros is ancient Divine Love, that emanates from the center of the Cosmos, and Neptune is the carrier of that Divine Love through the living waters of Aquarius—Venus— is how this same Love becomes matter, embodied within us. When this Love blossoms from our soul, when we live from that deep sense of self, that is true Love manifested. It is the Love that Pachamama (Mother Earth) expresses every minute of every hour of every day. It is true creation. It is deep nature. It is the rose that the Rosicrucians and Gnostics look to. It is the Holy Grail. 

The essence of Venus is living as Love, on this planet, in matter, in all of its complexities, in all of its drama, its varied emotions, its judgments, and its polarizations. First and foremost, however, it is Love embodied through self-compassion.

When our deep self is honored and shared with other it becomes the flow of life, Lao Tsu’s, Tao or The Way, it is relationship. It is sharing what is alive within us, with our beloveds (inclusive of all life)—it is reciprocity or as the Peruvian Shaman’s say, Ayni (today for you, tomorrow for me). The Flow, the giving and received, creates balance, it creates beauty and it creates true meaning.  

The upcoming Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees of Libra on Monday, March 25 is a portal that supports us in looking deeper into the shadows of ourselves and within our relationships. Are we living from our deep self? Do we even know who or what that is? Are we sharing that deep self with our beloveds without fear? Are we having compassion for the uniqueness and strangeness and beauty of our deep self? As Fredy Puma Quispe, says, are we living 50% for us and 50% for all that is? 

Embodiment Recipe

This is how I am working this Lunar Eclipse. For me, it is really highlighting my Uranus/Jupiter conjunction in Libra and my Venus/Eros conjunction in Cancer, that are in a square to each other! This square has informed, how I love and nurture, how that has defined my worth, being in the 2nd house, and how I intuit in relationship, which can be overwhelming (Uranus/Jupiter). I love to take care of my beloveds, but I often do so at the expense of honoring my little self, my dear one. For me it is more like 20% self and 80% other. I am working to bring that back into balance. 

  • Journeying to my younger self, when I could live from joy spontaneously. What messages of play, and love and light-heartedness can I learn now from that child?

  • Yoga and breathing exercises that open the heart chakra, bringing breath around and behind the heart, creating freedom for the heart that often feels so much, it is overwhelming;

  • Through meditation and reflection, looking to my animal spirits for support. For instance, how can Dolphin show me that compassion can be generous and playful. In giving joy to myself, I can be in grace with other and not in resentment;

  • Walking in nature, being with Pachamama. She is my ultimate guide on how to live from deep self. Looking to her for courage and brilliance on how to shine my deep self.


The Mithras Journey